Allowing your employees to emotionally cope better with a Divorce or Break Up, which in turn will minimise the impact upon your business.
How Divorce Affects The Workplace
Many of your employees have or will go through a Divorce/ Break Up whilst working for you, and of those that did or are currently experiencing such turbulence, this is what employees recently told a study commissioned by Raydens Solicitors.
stated that their divorce/relationship breakup had a direct impact upon their ability to work
of workers who were going through a divorce/separation stated that they had to take sick leave or unpaid leave
of employees experiencing a break up stated that their work productivity decreased
stated that they made more errors or were involved in more workplace accidents when they were going through a break up/divorce
stated that they did not receive the required support from their employers
stated their mental health suffered as they felt anxious , stressed and depressed
Surprised with what employees are saying?
Divorce/ Relationship Breakup in the workplace is a very under-acknowledged problem.
42% of all marriages end in divorce and for those who do not have sufficient support networks in place, the whole process can have a detrimental impact upon almost every aspect of their life and your business is no exception.
So, what happens to your employees when they are going through a Divorce/ Break Up?
Your employees experience a loss and they can feel overwhelmed by the whole experience, as everything that was known to them is threatened: the family home, living arrangements with their children and friendship groups and even their employment with you, as they are unable to concentrate at work, they make mistakes, they require additional time off to see their Solicitors/ attend Court all of which have a knock on effect upon your remaining workforce who are disheartened at having to take on additional duties for no additional renumeration, all of which threaten the overall productivity and profitability of your business.
How can you support your employees better and avoid such disruption to your business?
Appoint a proactive Divorce Coach. Yes, Me.
I provide a service that is beneficial for both you and your employee who is experiencing a Divorce/ Break up, allowing your employees to emotionally cope better with the whole process and achieve good health, which in turn will minimise the impact upon your business.
If you do not have a Divorce Coach in place for those of your employees who experience such turbulence in their lives, they state that they leave their employment within 1 year post Divorce, which is detrimental to your business, as you have to re-advertise vacancies and support new staff through training programmes all of which affect the productivity and profitability of your business.
Of those employees who did leave the workplace Post-Divorce/Relationship Breakup, 42% stated that they would have liked for their employers to have offered them the support of a Divorce Coach through the Employee Benefit Scheme or another avenue.
So, what are you waiting for? Don’t hesitate.
If you really value your staff and want to support both them and your business through the difficult and painful experiences of Divorce/Break Up, then please get in touch with me to discuss the best Divorce/ Break Up support package for your business.
Dill’s calmness and positivity made me feel that not all was as bad as it seemed, she made me view things with a different perspective and over time I was able to make more balanced decisions.