About Me
Fully qualified Divorce Coach with a history of education as well as my own divorce
Hi, I'm Dill Morris

Hi, I'm Dill Morris
I am a fully accredited Divorce and Break Up Coach, a former Solicitor and I also hold a Teaching Qualification.
Having gone through my own horrendous experience of a relationship breakdown, I made the decision that I wanted to help both men and women who were also going through the same experience, and make the whole process more manageable for them both personally and mentally.
I am an Associate Member of Resolution, whose practices I follow by adopting a conciliatory approach when it comes to helping and assisting with a relationship breakdown.
Please feel free to read my story below.
My Story
I got married in 1999 and very early on in the marriage, I realised that this relationship was not for me. At the time I saw no other option but to continue with the relationship, knowing the stigma that would be attached to both me and my parents having come from an Indian/Sikh community.
I tried very hard to make the relationship work, but it was extremely difficult. I was being judged at every little thing, and being told “What will others think?”.
I experienced numerous strains and stresses from both my husband and his family. I was constantly drained of my energy.
I went on to have children, hoping and thinking that it would help the relationship, but I was just fooling myself. The children were and are still amazing individuals, but having children did not help my marriage.
As time went on, my marriage deteriorated to an all-time low where I found myself living in a very high conflict situation, experiencing daily periods of hostility, being belittled in front of my children, my health suffering due to extreme stress levels and being subjected to emotional, psychological and on one occasion, even physical violence.
Eventually, I had had enough. There was only so much that I could take and I felt I had no other option but to leave. Leaving was a very big step for me, but I knew that if I had stayed in that toxic environment, I would probably not have lived to tell the tale today.

Upon issuing divorce proceedings, I tried to navigate the process as amicably as I could, but unfortunately, my ex was not interested in dealing with matters in an amicable way. It was his intention to make me suffer for everything, particularly for leaving.
My ex delayed the divorce process at every opportunity. He ignored Court Orders, failed to attend Court Hearings, and of the Hearings that he did attend, he was not ready to proceed as his paperwork was not in order. He refused to negotiate in order to move forward.

I was finally granted my divorce in October 2015 in relation to my ex-husband’s unreasonable behaviour towards me. But the financial proceedings were in no way resolved.
Another 6 years passed and eventually, in 2021, the financial matters were concluded, allowing me to finally receive closure to what I can only describe as both an acrimonious and painstaking marriage and divorce.
However, there is a silver lining to my story! I have 3 wonderful, intelligent children in my life, and I went on to meet my soulmate. A true gentleman who treats me with kindness and respect. We have been happily married since 2019.